Liberty Minded

Liberty Minded - "About Us"

Liberating Oklahoma Video Production

My friend's libertarian think tank, Liberty Minded, needed a high quality video to introduce and promote the group. I had a very tight window to put this project together. We had talked about doing something before, but schedules never were able to match up. In March of 2012, Ron Paul was having a rally at the Oklahoma State Capital and many of the members of the group were going to be there. I found out a day before and moved heaven and earth to get the project together.

I was lucky to get a slider for some great shots with the capital dome behind our subjects. Our other big challenge besides time was trying to record audio with a live rally happening feet away on a windy day. All-in-all, everything came together nicely and feel the piece really shines.

Crafting a bright, optimistic look for this piece was a priority. A few of the screen shots from color grading are below:

Liberty Minded Teaser

Rallying for Oklahoma Video Production

This is a quick teaser trailer I put together for a promo I'm making for Liberty Minded, a local libertarian think tank in Oklahoma City. I had wanted to do some sort of promo piece for an organization for some time. When I found out the day before that there was a Ron Paul rally on the capital steps and they would all be there, I threw caution to the wind and got them all together to make this video. I'm really a happy with the way i turned out. Especially with all the audio challenges we faced. We spent most of the shoot worried security would come to shut us down, but we were never bothered.